Sunday, October 18, 2009



Residential tenancy agreement and condition report in PDF format (size: 408k)
Schedule 1 Standard Form Agreement (not exceeding 3 years) Note that Bond Lodgement forms cannot be downloaded as they have a unique barcode.
•any Fair Trading Centre
•most real estate agents.
Claim for Refund of Bond Money (size: 102k)
Transfer of Bond (size: 134k)
Change of Shared Tenancy Arrangement (size: 73k)
Change of Managing Agent/Owner (size: 74k)
Tenancy Handbook in PDF format (size: 456k)

Renting Guide
Under the law, landlords must provide a copy of the Renting guide to tenants

Self managing your rental property Info
Using an agent to manage your rental property Info
Smoke Alarms Info
Water and sewerage charges Info
Resolving renting problems
Tips for problem free renting Info

Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal

Tenancy Tribunal Forms•Tenancy application form (size: 475k)
•Tenancy termination and possession application form (landlords only) (size: 314k)
•Tenancy rental bond application form (size: 231k)



General tenancies individual forms

Forms for starting a tenancy
•Entry condition report
For use in general tenancies (i.e. houses, units)
•Entry condition report
For use in moveable dwellings (i.e. caravans)
•Bond lodgement
To complete when lodging a rental bond
•Transfer of bond
If a tenant is transferring a bond from a previous rental property to a new property
•Renting a house or unit in Queensland
Property managers and self-managing lessors are required to give a copy of this to tenants at the start of a general tenancy
•Renting a caravan or moveable dwelling in Queensland
Managers and owners of caravan parks are required to give a copy of this to tenants at the start of a moveable dwelling tenancy
•General tenancy agreement
For use in general tenancies (i.e. houses, unit)
•Moveable dwelling tenancy agreement
For moveable dwellings (i.e. caravans)

Forms for during a tenancy
•Change of shared bond arrangement
When there is a change to the people contributing to the bond
•Part payment of rental bond
used to pay the rental bond in instalments
•Entry notice
Used by agent/lessor to notify tenants when entering a property
•Notice of lessor's intention to sell premises
Used by agent/lessor to nofity tenants of lessor's intention to sell the property
•Notice to remedy breach
Use if one party has broken the tenancy agreement
•Notice to leave
Used by the agent/lessor to notify tenant they wish them to vacate the premises
•Notice of intention to leave
Used by the tenant to notify the lessor they wish to vacate the premises
•Dispute resolution request
Used by either agent/lessor or tenant to seek the RTA's assistance to resolve a dispute

Forms for ending a tenancy

•Notice of lessor's intention to sell premises
Used by agent/lessor to notify tenants of lessor's intention to sell the property
•Notice to remedy breach
Use if there has been a breach of the tenancy agreement
•Notice to leave
Used by the agent/lessor to notify tenant they wish them to vacate the premises
•Notice of intention to leave
Used by the tenant to notify the lessor they wish to vacate the premises
•Exit condition report (General Tenancies)
Completed by the tenant. Shows the condition of the premises when the tenant leaves.
•Exit condition report (Moveable Dwellings)
Completed by the tenant. Shows the condition of the premises when the tenant leaves.
•Abandonment termination notice
Given to tenant by lessor/agent if they believe premises abandoned.
•Dispute resolution request
Used by either agent/lessor or tenant to seek the RTA's assistance to resolve a dispute
•Transfer of bond
For use by tenants and ex lessor/agent & new lessor/agent.
•Refund of rental bond
To be used to begin process of claiming bond or part thereof.

Resolving Disputes
QLD Median Rents Info
Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008


Tenancy agreement (PDF650KB)

Tenancy application (PDF1761KB)
Residential Accommodation Complaint Form (PDF38KB)
Condition Report (PDF1838KB)
Request for Rent Assessment or Repair Inspection (PDF64KB)

Renting a home, A guide for tenants and landlords

Bond Related Forms
Forms for bond lodgement, bond claims and bond transfers can be found on
Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA) Online.

Notices from Landlord to Tenant
Giving Notice to Tenant/s of Rented Premises (PDF1759KB)
Notice of Rent Increase to Tenant/s of Rented Premises (PDF636KB)
Giving Notice for Breach of Duty to Tenant/s of Rented Premises (PDF1762KB)
Giving Notice to Vacate to Tenant/s of Rented Premises (PDF676KB)
Composite Notice to Vacate to Tenant of Rented Premises for 2 or more reasons (PDF652KB)
Notice to Leave to Residents of Managed Premises or Resident's Visitor (PDF60KB)
Request for Inspection of Goods Left Behind (PDF60KB)
Lease agreements
Managing rental bonds
Rights and Obligations
Sustainable Renting for Landlords
Family violence and renting
Ending a tenancy
Resolving Tenancy Issues
Owners Corporations (formerly Bodies Corporate)
Owners Corporation Guide (PDF1.6MB)

Owners Corporations - Forms and publications - Web page
New laws for bodies corporate (PDF102KB)


•Application to Rent a Premises
•Schedule 2 Information for Tenant
•Form 24A Fixed Term Lease Agreement
•Form 24B Periodical Lease Agreement
•Property Condition Report: version 1 or version 2
•Form 1/8 Lodgement of Security Bond Money
•Form 9 Variation of Security Bond Money
•Form 4 Joint Application for Disposal of Security Bond Money
•Form 1A Notice of Termination for Non Payment of Rent
•Form 1B Notice of Termination for Non Payment of Rent
•Form 1C Notice of Termination
•Form 2 Notice to Former Tenant as to Disposal of Goods
•Form 3 Notice as to disposal of Goods
•Form 18 Notice of Rent Increase
•Form 19 Notice of Intended Inspection
•Form 20 Breach of Agreement by Tenant
•Form 20A Breach of Agreement by Owner
•Form 21 Breach Notice for Non Payment of Rent
•Form 22 Notice of Termination by Tenant

Renting Out Your Property - An Owner's Guide [PDF 1.14mb],


•Managing your own property
•Maintenance and repairs
•Using a property manager
•When things go wrong
•Abandoned premises and goods
•All about notices
•Going to court
•A final checklist
•Common terms
•Bond Administration - A Guide
•You and Your Property Manager
•Boarders and Lodgers

Energy Safety: Residual Current Device (RCD) legislation


•Fixed Term Agreement
•Form 1: Short fixed term tenancies
•Form 2: Notice to tenant to remedy breach
•Form 3: Notice of termination by landlord
•Form 6: Notice by landlord of storage of goods
•Form 7: Application to Res Tenancies Tribunal]
•Form 8: Application to RT Tribunal Section 90

•Individual Direct Debit Request
•Individual EFT Payment Request Form
•Information on Section 90 applications
•Inspection Sheet
•Lodgement of Security Bond Form
•Notice to Tenant of Lease Extension
•Notice to Tenant of Rent Increase
•Notice to enter premises
•Notification of Change Address - Rented Premises
•Notification of Change of Ownership/Agent
•Notification of Change of Tenants
•Periodic Agreement
•Request for Assistance
•Request for Repairs Pursuant to Section 68
•Security Bond Refund Declaration
•Security Bond Refund Form
•Information brochure
The Information brochure must be provided to the tenant at the commencement of the tenancy agreement.
•Your guide to a Tribunal hearing
Provides information on preparing for and attending a Tribunal hearing.
•Rights of appeal and review for residential tenancy matters.
•Questions about renting for international students.

•Fact Sheet 1 - Applications to RT Tribunal
•Fact Sheet 2 - Water Charging
•Fact Sheet 3 - Receipts and Rent Records
•Fact Sheet 4 - Advertising Fees and Reletting Fees
•Fact Sheet 5 - Repairs and Maintenance of Premises
•Fact Sheet 6 - Co-tenancies
•Fact Sheet 7 - Open Inspections
•Fact Sheet 8 - Retirement Village Applications


The landlord and tenant should ensure that there is a written tenancy agreement that contains
all of the conditions required under the Act as well as terms that have been agreed upon.
Unfortunately there are no free download sites for tenancy agreement forms, to assist landlords,
there are standard tenancy agreements that are available for purchase. SEE BELOW

•Bond Lodgement
•Bond Claim
•Tenant Transfer
•Property Owner/Agent Transfer
•Rental Bond Dispute


•Rental Guide
•Information for property owners
•How to fill in your lodgement form

Residential Tenancy Act 1997
Residential Tenancy Amendment Act 2005


The landlord and tenant should ensure that there is a written tenancy agreement that contains
all of the conditions required under the Act as well as terms that have been agreed upon.
Unfortunately there are no free download sites for NT tenancy agreement forms,
There is no single required format for a written tenancy agreement but to assist landlords, there are
standard tenancy agreements that are available for purchase. SEE BELOW

A Guide to Renting in the Northern Territory

FORMS•RT01 - Application to the Commissioner
•RT02 - Declare Rent is Excessive
•RT02a - Decleration to Justifying Rent
•RT03 - Notice to Remedy Unpaid Rent
•RT04a - Notice to Remedy Breach by Tenant
•RT04b - Notice to Remedy Breach by Landlord
•RT05 - Notice by Landlord to Terminate
•RT06 - Notice by Tenant to Terminate
•RT07 - Withdrawal of Termination Notice
•RT08 - Intention to Retain Deposit & Stat Dec
•RT09 - Notice of Entry by Landlord
•RT10 - Notice of Rent or Bond Increase
•RT11 - Notice of Storage of Goods
•RT12 - Unclaimed Tenancy Bond Claim Form

INFORMATION•Unclaimed Residential Tenancy Bonds
•Sharing a property
•What Tenants Should Know About Renting
•Resolving Common Tenancy Disputes
•Applications to the Commissioner of Tenancies
•Bonds & Security Deposits
•Breaking a Tenancy Lease Early
•Rent Bidding
•Boarders, Lodgers and Sub Tenants
•Abandoned Goods

Residential Tenancies Act
Residential Tenancies Regulations